Meet the Officers

Chief J. Jett
Chief Jett has over 26 years of law enforcement experience.
He began his career as a patrol officer with the Hyattsville City Police Department in 1997. In 1998 he transferred to the Anne Arundel County Sheriff’s Office where he faithfully served for 21 years. He spent his first 17 years assigned to the K-9 Unit in the Operations Bureau handling Explosive/Patrol dogs.
He was an active member of the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Response Team (SERT) and is a certified Instructor through the Maryland Police and Corrections Training Center in the following areas:
Firearms, Chemical Munitions and OC Spray, Active Shooter, Less Lethal Weapons, Patrol Rifle, and Police K-9 Instructor.
Chief Jett reached the rank of Corporal during his time with the Sheriff's Office and was awarded the Maryland Governors citation, seven Sheriff’s Office Unit citations, five Sheriff citations, 100 Club Honor, and West County Deputy of the Year.
Chief Jett began his career with the Crofton Police Department in 2019 and has since been promoted to Corporal, then Sergeant, and now Chief. He was awarded Police Officer of the Year in 2022. He has expanded his administrative skills with First Line Supervisors and Police Administration continuing education programs. Chief Jett has spent most of his life living in and around the Crofton community and considers it an honor to work in a place he has always called home.

Sergeant J. Sims
Sergeant John Sims is a combat veteran who proudly served 10-years in the United States Army. While in the Army John earned three Parachute Certifications; Italy, British and American where he was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division, all while earning his Bachelor's Degree in Logistics. Throughout his tenure in the military John also earned the coveted Drill Sergeants Badge and the Allied Mobile Forces Badge.
After the military John joined the Laurel Police Department where he received numerous awards; Life Saving Award, Chief’s Award, Officer of the Year Award, Gold Medal of Valor, Maryland State Medal of Valor and Honorable Mention in Parades Magazine for being one of the top 10 Law Enforcement Officers in the Country to name a few. After retiring, John joined the Anne Arundel County Sheriff’s Office where he continued earning awards and accolades; Anne Arundel Co Chamber of Commerce Two-Times Deputy of the Year, Sheriff’s Citations and Service Award, again to name a few.
John has held many positions in his almost 30 years of Law Enforcement including but not limited to; Detective, Emergency Response Team, (SWAT) Member/Leader with both the Police Department and the Sheriff’s Office, Community Policing Officer, Citizens Police Instructor, Academy Instructor, Active Shooter Instructor, Background Investigator, Chemical Munitions Instructor, Cops Camp Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor, Enhance Instructor, Field Training Officer, TASAR Instructor, Ti Simulator Instructor and a Train the Training Instructor.
Outside of Law Enforcement John is a 5th Degree Black-Belt in the Art of Snow Tiger and a First Baptist Church of Glenarden Male Choir Member.

Corporal K. Gable
Corporal Kyle Gable joined Crofton PD after relocating back to his home state of Maryland after living in Hawaii the last two years. Prior to Hawaii, Officer Gable served 8 years as a Montgomery County Police Officer where he was passionate about DUIs and earned several specialized certifications, including becoming a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE).
Cpl. Gable was recognized by the state of MD, Montgomery County, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for his DUI enforcement. Additionally, Cpl. Gable was trained to be a part of the Special Event Response Team (SERT) where he protected locals during civil disturbance and even served with several allied agencies to protect the Capitol on January 6, 2021. For his efforts on January 6, Cpl. Gable was awarded the Ribbon of Valor from the DC Metropolitan Police Department, a commendation from both the Montgomery County Police Department and the Montgomery Country Chamber of Commerce, a letter of appreciation from the Montgomery County Council, and the Congressional Gold Medal.
Currently, Cpl. Gable is working to join the United States Coast Guard (USCG) Reserves where he will be stationed at the Baltimore Yard serving as a USCG Police Officer. Cpl. Gable lives in the Crofton community (CSCBD) with his wife, Alyssa, and 5-year-old son, Coleson.

Corporal J. Carrier
Corporal Carrier has been a certified law enforcement officer since January 1989, working for Federal, County, and City jurisdictions within the state of Maryland.
He is a graduate of (FLETC) Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Glynco, Georgia; The Prince George's County Police Academy MD with honors; The Anne Arundel County Police Academy MD, and the Department of Defense's Police Academy.
During his 35 years in law enforcement, Jon has been a member of some of the elite units of the police department, including the CNT/Conflict Negotiations Team, CIT/Crisis Intervention Team, and a SRO/School Resource Officer.
Jon is a recognized expert in several law enforcement disciplines, and a speaker and organizer at local and national conferences. He has been a member of several NIJ/DOJ (TWG’s) Technical Working Groups for the federal government, to include an “Active Shooter Focus Group” and a member of the (MSDE) Maryland State Department of Education’s “Best practices in School Discipline” workgroup.
Jon has a Degree in Criminal Justice (Dean’s List) with an emphasis on investigations; he has received over 3,000 hours in law enforcement specific classroom instruction, and is a (SME) Subject Matter Expert in physical security, specifically as it relates to schools. He is a contributor to national video resources, “National Crime Prevention Council video on CPTED” and “It Can Happen Here." He has contributed to articles for the Journal of School Safety and contributed to other resources for the National Crime Prevention Council, Department of Justice, Tech-Beat, AACPS and others.
He has taken over four-hundred hours of SRO-specific training and has been recognized as a NASRO (National Association of School Resource Officers) National Practitioner for SROs.
Jon is the past President of MASRO - The Maryland Association of School Resource Officers - and a former member of the Executive Board for NASRO.
In 2020 at the start of COVID, Cpl. Carrier transferred to the (CIT) Crisis Intervention Team and worked with civilian clinicians in the (MCT/CRS) Mobile Crisis Team/Crisis Response System.
Lastly, and most importantly, he is a long-time active community member of Anne Arundel County, where he has raised his family and has deep community roots.

Corporal T. Utzig
Corporal Tim Utzig was in the U.S. Army five years before working with the Department of Corrections for the State of Maryland. He graduated from the Baltimore Police Department academy in 1995, then transferred to the Anne Arundel County Police Department in 1997 where he spent twenty-seven years before retiring.
During that time, he spent sixteen years as a Domestic Violence Officer and six years as a School Resource Officer (SRO). While a Domestic Violence Officer, he assisted the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence with the implementation of the Lethality Assessment Program. The Lethality Assessment is a tool used to prevent intimate partner homicides and serious injuries. The Lethality Assessment was started as a pilot project in 2005 and was expanded nationwide. As a part of this project, he trained nationwide traveling the U.S. to train other jurisdictions as they implemented the program. In addition, he obtained certification from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) Domestic Violence trainer program. He is also certified as a general instructor for the Maryland Police and Corrections Training Commissions (MPCTC), and is also Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) trained and certified.
Cpl. Utzig was a part of the Arbutus Little League for 18 years and holding various positions within the organization, including Vice President.