The Crofton Police Department has been proudly serving the citizens of Crofton since 1969 celebrating 50 years of service to the Crofton community. Our officers are dedicated to the principles of fairness, integrity and service.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at (410) 721-2301.
If you have an emergency or require an urgent police response please dial 911.
For police response on a non-urgent matter dial (410) 222-8610.
The Crofton Police Department monitors and is dispatched by the Anne Arundel County Police Communications section.
The Crofton Police works in partnership with the Anne Arundel County Police to answer all calls for service promptly and with the highest degree of professionalism.
***The Crofton Police is currently seeking a Maryland Certified Police Officer. Starting salary is $64,725 with available overtime. Contact Chief Jett at Jjett@croftonpd.com or call 410-721-2301***
The Crofton Police will begin listing found/recovered property under the Crofton Police tab of this website. If you believe the listed property is yours simply contact Crofton Police. You must provide proof of ownership in order to claim any property.
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