Complaints & Compliments
Submitting a Complaint Regarding a Crofton Police Officer
In 2021, the Maryland General Assembly passed a package of police reform bills, one of which requires all counties in Maryland to form “Police Accountability Boards.” The Police Accountability Board (PAB) consists of nine members, all of whom have experience with legal or ethical issues and their overall mission is to “work with the county government and law enforcement agencies to improve policing and police accountability in the County.” To submit a complaint, please use the form at https://www.aacounty.org/boards-and-commissions/police-accountability-board/complaint-form/ and if the complaint is regarding a Crofton Police Officer, select "Crofton Police Department" from the pulldown menu within the form.
Submitting a Compliment Regarding a Crofton Police Officer
We also like to know when an officer is doing a great job and going above and beyond, too! If you want to recognize one of our officers, please send your message to TownManager@CroftonTownHall.org. Please include the officer's name and details of why you are extending the compliment, such as date, location, and what the officer did that caught your attention.