Bike Path Meeting
There will be a public meeting on April 1st at Crofton Community Library from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. This is a very short meeting so be prepared to give no more than a 2-minute comment/question. There are five phrases to the trail. Information can be found at https://www.aacounty.org/recreation-parks/capital-projects/south-shore-trail.
Phase I (Ticker Lane at Waterbury Road to Hansel Drive at Millersville Road) and open.
Phase II (Sappington Station Road to Holiday Park Road at Bonheur Avenue) is out for bid and award. Phase III extends from Honeysuckle Lane at Generals Highway to connect to the existing trail at Bestgate Road is in design with construction running from Dec 2024 to Dec 2025
Phase IV extends from Ticker Lane at Waterbury Road to Honeysuckle Lane and is in design. with construction planned for Sept 2026 to Aug 2027
Phase V is in the future.
Phase Va extends from Medical Parkway to Bestgate Road - Behind Annapolis Mall/Annapolis Plaza/Belcher Pavilion at AAMC with connectors to Annapolis Mall, Arundel Plaza, AAMC)

The March E-Advocate Edition
The free March 2025 edition of the E-Advocate is now available at https://online.fliphtml5.com/bwoas/hjno/. This edition includes:
A map of the Crofton Cherry Blossom Festival's 40 participants
Update on AA County Redevelopment Legislation
Crofton vs. Harlem Wizards ticket information
Taste of Crofton Information
Kiwanis Crofton Nights Out Fundraiser
Beaver spotted on Beaver Creek
Much more!
CCA Board Meeting
There will be a CCA Board of Directors meeting on April 7, 2025, at 7:00 PM at the Crofton Elementary School Library Media Center. All residents of the tax district are welcome to attend.
CCA Annual Easter Egg Hunt

The CCA Annual Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday April 12th at 11:45 AM sharp, at the side field of Crofton Middle School.
The Easter Bunny will be on site along with 10,000 eggs to hunt filled with candy and prizes.
There will be a separate coned off area in the field reserved for small children. Please bring your own bag or basket. Rain date April 19th.

AACPS Phase 2 Redistricting Study
Scenarios developed by consultant WXY for Phase 2 of Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ comprehensive redistricting process are now available online. Go to www.aacpsredistricting.org to view the scenarios and leave comment by May 1.
Crofton Salutes Our Heroes Round Two
The response to the Crofton Salutes Our Heroes banners along Crofton Parkway has been great … everyone loves seeing them! The CCA has decided to open the program annually.
If you want to honor veterans and currently serving members of the US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Space Force, and US Coast Guard with a banner, you can submit your order and photos between now and April 11th, 2025. The new banners will be installed along Crofton Parkway prior to the May 10th, 2025, Armed Forces/First Responders Parade. Visit https://form.jotform.com/240154543174047 to learn more and to sponsor your banner.
Each banner is permanently installed and costs only $250. You also have an option to provide a biography of your hero for the Gallery of Heroes.
Engage Arundel
Recently, Engage Arundel held a webinar titled:
Positioning for Growth and Change Webinar
Resources for Older Adults, Individuals with Disabilities, Caregivers, and Veterans in the County.
If you missed the webinar or attended but want to review the content, you can watch the entire webinar at your convenience by clicking here. You can also download the presentation by clicking here.
A link to the new CECS web page that has additional important information is here: EngageArundel

Crofton Golf (a.k.a. Beaver Creek) Restoration Project
To view a time lapse video of the regrowth from August through October click here.
During September’s CCA General Membership Meeting, Senior Project Manager for Anne Arundel County’s Bureau of Watershed Protection & Restoration, Ms. Nasrin Dahlgren, presented details about Phase 1 of what is commonly known as the “Beaver Creek” restoration project currently underway between Rt. 424 and Crofton Parkway. She also gave a preview of what will be Phase 2 of the project between Crofton Parkway and MD Rt. 3 scheduled for the fall of 2025. See Power Point Presentation.
The next day, Ms. Sally Albright, the Bureau’s Education & Outreach Coordinator (shown below in orange vest), conducted a tour of the site for a small group of residents to highlight recent plantings and explain the benefits of this “valley restoration” initiative.

Alternatively, we have design drawings for Phase 2 on display at Town Hall. You may view them during regular business hours, 9am to 5pm, M-F.
2024 CCA Crofton Citizen of the Year
Throughout Crofton's history and development there have been many people that have contributed to our growth and Crofton's "hometown" feeling and sense of community. The Crofton Civic Association recognizes those people that have made an impact on Crofton through the Crofton Citizen of the Year award.
This year the award was presented to resident Evelyn Harris at the Crofton Chamber of Commerce Community Award Banquet, November 13th.

CCA Town Manager Martin H. Simon (right) presents the 2024 Citizen of the Year Award to Evelyn Harris.
Join Our Listserv
Sign up here for the E-Advocate and other important community information.
Crofton Police Department News!
January 2025 - The Crofton Police Department is pleased to announce the promotion of Officer Timothy Utzig to Corporal!

Pictured Corporal Timothy Utzig
Crofton Police Department Officer of the Year 2024
Corporal Kyle Gable was recognized as the Crofton Police Department’s 2024 Officer of the Year. If you tend to be a lead-footed driver, you’ve probably already met CPL Gable. Over the last two years, Crofton P.D.’s statistics have shown that our officers are making their presence increasingly known in the community. One of the statistics is for traffic violations and CPL Gable is a large part of the reason why traffic citations and warnings along the Parkway have become more common AND we are seeing less speeding as a result.
Rather than awarding a traditional plaque, Chief Jason Jett continued a new practice begun last year for Sergeant Sims by presenting to CPL Gable the Officer of the Year Belt!

CPL. Kyle Gable
Citizen recognition "Good Deed" award to Brady Sampson, Crofton Elementary School
On October 27, 2023, Acting Chief Jett and Corporal Sims made a visit to Crofton Elementary School to bestow upon Brady Sampson the esteemed "Good Deed" award, in recognition of his outstanding citizenship. Brady's commendable act was rooted in his discovery of lost property, which he promptly and responsibly turned in to the Crofton Police Department.
Brady's actions embody the principles of honesty, integrity, and community responsibility, which are values highly regarded by both the Crofton Police Department and our community as a whole. As a token of our appreciation and acknowledgment of his exemplary conduct, we presented him with a certificate and other tokens of gratitude. Brady's actions serve as a remarkable example of good citizenship, and his dedication to the betterment of the community is truly commendable.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Brady for his praiseworthy deeds, and we applaud his commitment to upholding the values that make our community a better and safer place for all.


The Crofton Special Community Benefits District (CSCBD) is divided into five districts. Click here to find your district.

CCA ListServ
To be added to our ListServ, please Sign up here for the E-Advocate and other important community information.
As always, if you would prefer to donate the old fashioned way, please send a check or money order to: Crofton Civic Association, 1576 Crofton Parkway, Crofton, MD, 21114.
Thank you for your much needed support!